Front-end Engineering Take Home Project


A few weeks into an interview process. I already passed the algorithmic test, my portfolio submission, and a technical interview. Now, I was on the last step — a take home project to demonstrate how I write code (vanilla JS), solve problems, write CSS, and generally develop UI.

Expected time: 8hrs
Final Project Github Repo

Project Requirements

  1. Create 2 screens:
    — Question Tile page
    — Form Page (2 states)
  2. Follow flow in wireframes (different form should display depending on which tile is chosen)
  3. Submit form data by logging it to the console


Illustration of my web development process



Used semantic elements as much as possible for legibility, accessibility, bots, and SEO.

Made form inputs as precise as possible by:

HTML structure of the form inputs


Snippet of SCSS file showing nesting and variables


Javascript snipipet showing the use of the document API and URL object to get parameters

View the whole project and run it on your machine by downloading the code from the Github repo here.